Starting today 21 March 2020 TFM Group Software joins FabLab initiative to produce and distribute Protective Face Shields for doctors that are fighting covid-19.
Idea is simple: we need to protect our doctors as best as we can. And Protective Face Shields can help.
Model to be produced is: . Thanks to Prusa Research for designing this model.
We at TFM will start to put out our 3D Printers to produce as much face shield parts as we can. Parts will be delivered to FabLab for final assembly and delivery.
Technical details:
We will put to work our new finished 3d printer ( HCube CM3D ) and our lab printer ( Prusa mks3 ) that we used for prototyping other projects we had.

HCube is a HyperCube printer that was adapted to be as stable as possible. Built with 20×40 v-slot profiles, e3dv5 hotend and linear rails on all axis. By far it’s the most stable 3d printer we built so far. And printing this shields will be a stress test for it. We will try to print with it 24 / 7 for as long as parts will be needed. We wanted to improve it a lot more ( and trying to produce it with Romania produced parts ) before we announce it, but given the situation we are putting it to work as it is.