This model is the 3rd variation we try to produce and donate.
We tried to find a design that :
- Can be printed fast
- Consume as little material as possible
- Can be used with 0.15 mm transparent sheets ( way more available on market )
- Very easy to mount
- transparent sheet to be very easy to be cut / mounted
We chose a model based on the work done by Verkstan (
STL files, 3d print informations:
STL file we use to print ( 2 in one print session): Direct link or you can find stackable ones on Versktan website.
It will take approx 33 grams of PLA to produce 2 pieces. This means that from 1 kg of PLA we can print 60 pieces. Print time: 1h for 2 pieces.
Assembly instructions:
It take like 30 seconds to assemble it and can be done by anyone:

How to make the holes and cut the transparent sheet
You will need 2 hole punch and scissors. ( We have this:–2-hole-25-sheets_50050035/ and a normal scissors).
- First you need to set the hole puncher to A6:
- Punch holes, turn the sheet on the other side and punch holes
- Round the upper corners with scissors
- For the lower corners use the below image as reference
How we package them ?
Usually we pack 4 of them in a kit and final assembly is done on site. This saves space and transport fees. We also add a printed paper with instructions, production date and statement that this are donation and not for sale.